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 Short but sweet.  Batman explains to Beast Boy that what matters are the results of your actions, not how people see the results or judge you for them.

Questionable Content

 I've been a reader of this comic for... wow, like, 20 years or something.  It started out as fairly generic drawings and humor, but with some really poignant, emotionally vulnerable storylines that were strong enough to pull me along for the entire ride. This panel is an example of one of the "obviously not funny, why is this in a comic strip" moments where the writer's personal journey bleeds through into some seriously empathetic, emotionally raw moments, and it's really quite beautiful. I won't spoil anything in the series, as I recommend reading it from the beginning, but suffice it to say, pack a lunch.  There's a lot of content there - most of it highly unquestionable ;)

The Shard Chronicles: Aftermath

 Book 2 in the brilliant "Shard Chronicles" series, "Aftermath" picks up right where "Awakening" left off, and is packed full of growth mindset, human needs psychology, and even a few health tips.   A masterful collection of action, great characters, and mindsettertainment!

Growth Mindset Based Shows (List)

My wife found this list a few days ago, and I thought I'd add it to mindsettertainment.  It's so cool to see more and more people looking for these sorts of things. Top 70 Growth Mindset Television Shows

Neon Future

There is a fine line between bashing someone over the head with mindset, and watering down one's message with action & excitement to the point of it being diluted beyond recognition (or only noticed by a rare few). This series rides that line beautifully, mixing introspection, action, and self-discovery together very well.  Now that they've made the jump to webtoons , Neon Future 's audience will undoubtedly grow, as it's tricky to argue with free comics! Their artwork is generally stellar, though they have a propensity towards reusing images, and the earlier issues were a little "clunky" in their layout & writing, the whole Neon team really seems to hit their stride around issue 10. In issue 12 (a personal favorite) there is a beautiful moment where Clay confronts his own subconscious' view of his past, present, and future selves, and has to make a choice who lives or dies.  Riveting stuff! For anyone who is a fan of Tom Bilyeu , the parallels bet...

How do I get my teenager interested in self-development?

Did you know that the most common reaction people have when being given a self-development book is resistance and hurt feelings?   Telling someone with a fixed mindset that they need to read Carol Dweck's book " mindset " tends not to go over well, s o, what's the solution? We've all heard "lead by example", but there must be some way to facilitate or speed up that growth, right? A s someone who cares deeply about self-improvement, I know how frustrating it can be when trying to share it with the ones we love and care about.  That’s why I created this blog in the first place: To highlight the different forms of media out there that can "mindsettertain". They say "you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make it drink" - I say bullshit. Sure, sometimes you have to make the water a little sweeter to entice those horses, or maybe add a bit of salt to their meals first to make them thirstier, but I beli...

Life after covid - A short film

This is so beautiful.  I cried, I got chills, I smiled and I nodded. This is pretty fantastic.

Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth

This looks promising :)

Batman Beyond

The more I hear about Crispr and other gene-editing concepts and ideas, the less science fiction anything seems. I do wonder sometimes if something like this will become as mainstream as it's done in Batman Beyond.  Growing new bodies from test tubes and inserting our old consciousness into the new bodies?  Totally.  But editing an existing host into a new form seems more of a challenge to me. But I'm no scientist.  So perhaps we'll see.


Mindsmash is an incredible youtube channel filled with anything from fight breakdowns to tips on posture and philosophy of life. As I'm very invested in martial arts it is sometimes difficult for me to imagine that others are not - so this channel might not actually be for everyone, but man does it feel like it to me.  Mindsmash has a beautiful heart as well, looking to make the world better.