"I'm not a peck!" Ah, Willow. This movie dates back to before I knew who Val Kilmer was. While there is certainly the standard hero's journey (times two) in this film, there are also some other tidbits of wisdom worth mentioning. "The finger of power is your own" This completely flew over my head the first time I watched it as a child, but later in life, it really hit me. This hearkens to Tom Bilyeu's " everything is my fault " belief. While our true net worth is indeed the people we've known and touched, ultimately, everything is up to us. This is our world, and nobody else's. Also, both Willow and Madmartigan each follow their own version of moving at 1,000mph in the wrong direction rather than sitting still. Improvisation and action lead to some hijinks, but also a lot of personal growth from both characters.