There is a fine line between bashing someone over the head with mindset, and watering down one's message with action & excitement to the point of it being diluted beyond recognition (or only noticed by a rare few). This series rides that line beautifully, mixing introspection, action, and self-discovery together very well. Now that they've made the jump to webtoons , Neon Future 's audience will undoubtedly grow, as it's tricky to argue with free comics! Their artwork is generally stellar, though they have a propensity towards reusing images, and the earlier issues were a little "clunky" in their layout & writing, the whole Neon team really seems to hit their stride around issue 10. In issue 12 (a personal favorite) there is a beautiful moment where Clay confronts his own subconscious' view of his past, present, and future selves, and has to make a choice who lives or dies. Riveting stuff! For anyone who is a fan of Tom Bilyeu , the parallels bet...