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Showing posts from July 6, 2018


Tony Robbins uses something called "The Dickens Method" to help us visualize our likely future based upon our current habits and practices... and then to visualize our ideal future, and work backwards into daily habits and practices that will result in that future. Obviously, he got the name from Charles Dickens. But hey, Scrooged gets the point across in a funny, entertaining, poignant way. When it was geologically feasible, I watched this movie with my Mom every year.  It is the epitome of christmas movies, but it's also a great reminder that our habits forge our futures. As with most mindsettertainment , being emotionally present within the media helps.  We can all hear the words "visualize a better future" but this movie helps show us what level of emotion to put into it. What is our "ah hah" moment?  Does it take a burning coffin or Bobcat with a shotgun to get the point into our thick skulls?  We'll see! Favorite line:  "N...