I love both of these series for different reasons. 1) I quite enjoy seeing the evolution of a product over the years. To see how the European or Canadian production teams approach it, and how the American teams approach it is very cool to see. 2) The older the show, the more 20/20 hindsight the audience is given. We get to KNOW which products actually made it, and which ones that didn't. Valuable lessons there. Bonus, if you watch 'em on Youtube, some helpful individual often puts the business' results in the comments. 3) We are who we surround ourselves with. I find my entrepreneurial mind sparked by shows like this. My son is 4, and hasn't watched any television yet, except one episode of this show. I think it's a brilliant way to introduce the concept to kids. He gave me the most amazing, hand made "I invest in you Daddy, write books" hand made investors contract yesterday. It is... awesome. There is even $6 of monopoly money s...