I admit, I'm not a huge Captain Marvel fan. I don't know a lot about her. I know she can turn into Binary, absorb energy, and I think she's about Rogue-level strength because I'm fairly confident Rogue tanked her in the animated series to get her super strength. But I was really impressed with her as a three dimensional, flawed and relatable character in this series. She's struggling with alcoholism, determinism, futurism and a bunch of other isms all while trying to save the world and battling her friend (and AA sponsor) Iron Man, who is one of the smartest men on the planet... and disagrees with her approach. For those of you who've read the original civil war between Cap and Stark, you know that it tends to get down to ethics vs logic for those two - not as much in this case. In this comic, Tony is more about ethics and Carol is more about tactics... Because ultimately, Stark is a futurist, and is able to see with a higher depth of vision than oth...